These are magazines that have been published primarily for a readership of women. Later books include Love and Other Infectious Diseases: A Memoir (1990), the chronicle of a mysterious and severe illness her husband suffered Holding My Own in No Man's Land: Women and Men and Films and Feminists (1997), a collection of articles on film and interviews with actors Frankly My Dear: Gone with the Wind Revisited (2009) My Brother, My Sister: Story of a Transformation (2013), an account of her sibling’s gender transition and Haskell's evolving feelings about it and Steven Spielberg: A Life in Films (2017). (June 2023) This is a list of women's magazines from around the world.

In 1974 Haskell wrote From Reverence to Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies, one of the first books to study the depiction of women in films. Playgirl was an American magazine that featured general interest articles, lifestyle and celebrity news, in addition to nude or semi-nude men. She later wrote a column, "Hers," for The New York Times and reviews and essays on film for New York, Playgirl, Ladies' Home Journal, Vogue, and Ms., as well as for many other magazines and newspapers. In the mid-1960s, she worked as an interpreter for the French Film Office and wrote theater and movie reviews for the Village Voice. Eastern Model Associates specialized in nude 'beefcake' photography (with posing strap) that was featured in Physique Pictorial, Tomorrow's Man, and Vim magazines. Feminist film critic and author Dorothy Clark "Molly" Haskell graduated from Sweet Briar College in 1961 and studied at the Sorbonne in Paris before moving to New York City in 1962. Based in Brooklyn, New York, and active from around 1952 to 1960, the studio sold black and white 8x10-inch photos and color slides by mail.